Local entrepreneurs captivated audience at the Angel Investor Forum Summit

On June 15th, Angel Forum brought together a dynamic gathering of angels, funders, and accelerators at the iconic Sea to Sky Gondola for an exciting afternoon of pitching by Sea-Sky and Vancouver-based founders. As a thriving community, Squamish embodies the values of exploration, collaboration, entrepreneurship, and innovation, solidifying its position as one of Canada's leading entrepreneurial hubs.

Photo Credit: Mark Roznowski, Image: Kate Mulligan, EDO, District of Squamish

The event commenced with an engaging opening presentation by KatMulligan, the District of Squamish's Economic Development Officer. Mulligan engaged the audience with an overview of Squamish's thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, emphasizing the notable achievements of local companies driving innovation and growth.

Among the event's highlights were presentations by six companies, captivating the room of investors with investment opportunities. 

Photo Credit: Mark Roznowski, Image: Cheryl LeBarr, MADE apparel 

Photo Credit: Mark Roznowski, Image: Kari LaMotte, CEO, Kite Company Creator

This event showcased Squamish's dedication to fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial community. With its dramatic natural backdrop and a spirit of forward-thinking innovation, Squamish continues to attract and nurture exceptional talent, solidifying its reputation as a hotbed of entrepreneurial excellence.