From riders for riders - OneUp Components
The story of OneUp Components starts with the simple fact that Squamish has become an epicentre for the biking community, says one of the company’s founders, Chris Heynan. He and two other friends created a unique product to improve their riding and they’ve been at it ever since. From designing to engineering, testing, and shipping products that they themselves would want on their bikes when hitting the prime Squamish trails.
Having those trails in their backyard fulfills the essential need to have the right amount of work-life balance for the team at OneUp. And it’s not just about getting out to play – OneUp is strategically located in a place where products can be tested and proved over and over by people who love to ride. Today, the passionate and innovative team at OneUp offers a variety of bike parts designed and developed to solve problems and bring value to mountain bikers all around the globe.
Chris describes Squamish as being filled with inspiring and exciting people who want to push the envelope and encourage others to do the same. Whether it be athletes taking their sport to the next level or businesses finding new ways to innovative, that energy is contagious and translates to the core of where OneUp started.
Ultimately, it’s all about the people. The team is a rich mixture of engineers, sales, marketing, and customer service professionals along with shipping and warehousing experts. Chris points to the extensive talent pool in Squamish as being a huge driver of OneUp’s success, from world class athletes to people who have been in the industry for a long time.
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