Working in Squamish - Quantum Technology
Robert Smith, Manufacturing Director at Quantum Technology, was drawn to Squamish by the perspective of pursuing a fulfilling career in clean technology and living his ideal lifestyle in our outdoors-based community. He feels very lucky to have found an employer like Quantum Technology, that allows him to embrace his passion for renewables and green energy in a setting like Squamish.
Quantum Technology, clean technology specialist in helium recovery and green hydrogen, has been in the Sea to Sky region for 40 years. With Squamish’s rapid development as an increasingly attractive place to live, employee recruitment and retention has become significantly easier in the past 3-5 years. Smith attributes this positive development to the excellent lifestyle opportunities available to Squamish residents.
With many interested in working with Quantum Technology, the business is lucky to pick and choose the right candidates, who embrace shared values, and are passionate about the field. Being able to recruit skilled employees locally and non-locally has allowed the organisation to grow steadily and with stability. The team has doubled in size in recent years to a staff size of 30 – 40 people and is expected to grow by another 10 % in the next few years.
Quantum Technology not only strives to innovate within its sector, but the company also deeply cares about community. Working hand in hand with other local businesses, from shipping and logistics to the supply chain and fabrication – Squamish is home to companies of many industry sectors and makes collaboration possible on the daily. Working hard and embracing problem-solving is equally important for the team at Quantum Technology as is enjoying the outdoors. It is no surprise that the staff consists of key adventure enthusiasts, who work and play hard in Squamish.
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