Community Performance Dashboard
The Squamish 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP) is guided by five core goals. These goals represent community ambitions expressed during the OCP update process and build upon the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of Squamish.
The District has defined and is tracking a series of Community Performance Indicators related to each goal to measure progress towards (and away from) identified OCP objectives and targets.
Explore individual performance indicators below to see the community’s progress, and learn about performance measures and why we’re monitoring them. Historic data and other relevant information is provided where available.
Progress for each indicator highlights whether community performance is either ‘On Track’ or ‘Off Track’, and reflects performance relative to defined objectives and targets. Where interim or near term targets are defined, performance is assessed firstly against these near term objectives and conditions. Specific progress for individual indicators also considers overall performance trends, and applied activities and initiatives. Indicator targets are sourced from legislative commitments, as well as specific community plans, policies and strategies - such as the Squamish2040 Official Community Plan, Council’s Strategic Plan, the Multi-modal Transportation Plan, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Squamish Zero Waste Strategy, and Squamish Child Care Strategy among others.
In addition to the five 5 OCP core goals, a series of climate-focused indicators track progress toward achieving the targets of the Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP), that strives towards a low carbon future while also increasing livability, resilience and prosperity. The Plan and associated targets for Squamish reflect our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030, aligning ourselves with the guidelines to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
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